Friday, November 25, 2005

A place to bitch about movies

So, i decided to jump on the band wagon and start a Blog. Why? So I can bitch about why I feel so many movies made today suck. Let me put that another way. Movies don't actually suck. In fact I love movies. I'm a totally movie geek. I have read countless books on flim making, screen writing and Hollywood. But I'm also not an amateur filmmaker wanna be. Well not really. What I am is a fan. A ticket buying, 34 white male, Netflix subscribing, cable paying movie fan. So I feel I do have some opinions. And the truth is that most movies today just aren't very good. Studios know this and so do the audiences. It's a sad fact that people go to the movies with low expectations. Myself included, I just always assume that any new movie I am going to see is going to suck. Sometimes I'm wrong. Most of the time I'm not.

Anyhow my hope is to talk about movies as I watched them and give you a brief statement of why the movie I saw sucked. And just to be fear, if I like the movie, I will let you know why.

More tomorrow.